How does our website earn money?
Of course, every site has its own expenses such as hosting and other services. If you’re curious how our website stays up, keep on reading.
Here’s the thing, there are affiliate links on this website. This just means that when you make a purchase through our links in our articles, I may get a commission.
Do know the following:
- This doesn’t cost you a cent! The vendors will be the one paying for this.
- I’m not paid by the vendors to do my reviews. So you can be assured that the content we have here is 100% free of any kind of bias.
- My content is based on loads of research and my own experiences and opinions!
I would want nothing but the best for my lovelies! So know that my content is Mirchelley approved through and through.
Sometimes, however, info about some of the products and services may change without my knowledge. There may be cases when what I say on my reviews can be different from what the manufacturer or service provider will say.
I also want to say that the products we’ll feature are all presented without warranty from us. These are all from the vendors.
Got any questions or reactions? Send me a message through the contact form!