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Explore Animals in the Night Safari at Singapore Zoo: Top Animals To See
Singapore is a dream destination for all animal lovers – it’s home to the first nocturnal zoo in the world!
As darkness falls, Night Safari comes alive with the sights and sounds of creatures that thrive under the cover of night.
This article offers a glimpse of nightly animal encounters that will leave you in awe!
Animals to See in Night Safari Singapore
African Lion
Media credit: papa_of_k.e.r
African lions are magnificent creatures from the grasslands of sub-Saharan Africa, where they reign supreme over their territory.
At Night Safari, they have a spacious enclosure that mimics their natural habitat, complete with lush vegetation and rocky outcrops.
While you won’t be able to pet them (for obvious reasons!), you can observe their beauty and power from a safe distance.
Malayan Tiger
Media credit: most_sane_pangolin_enjoyer_420
Malayan tigers are magnificent felines originating from the dense jungles of the Malay Peninsula and parts of Thailand, where they reign as the undisputed kings of the forest.
Their striking orange coats adorned with bold black stripes are like living works of art, blending seamlessly into their lush surroundings.
You might catch a glimpse of them stalking through the shadows, their amber eyes gleaming in the darkness, and hear their low growl that’s either part of their amusement or a threat.
But don’t worry – you’ll be safe and sound aboard the tram as you observe these majestic creatures from a safe distance.
Indian Rhinoceros
Media credit: stas.mills
Did you know that at the Night Safari, visitors can participate in feeding the Indian rhinoceros? It’s quite the experience.
The Indian rhinoceros, also known as the greater one-horned rhinoceros, hails from the plains and swamps of northern India and Nepal.
While an Indian rhino may appear formidable with its thick, armor-like skin and impressive horn, it is gentle and non-aggressive toward humans.
However, it’s essential to maintain a safe distance and respect its space, as it’s still a wild animal.
Media credit: tyjls4851
Here’s a trivia: flamingos often stand on one leg to conserve body heat, especially in water.
These vibrant birds are known for their striking pink plumage and graceful movements as they wade through the water.
At the Night Safari, you can catch a glimpse of these beautiful birds in their specially designed habitat, where they can be seen roaming freely and engaging in their natural behaviors.
Fishing Cat
Media credit: eaudetati
This feline isn’t your typical house cat content with lounging in the sun – a fishing cat prefers the thrill of the hunt in the water!
It’s a medium-sized cat with webbed feet, perfectly adapted for swimming and hunting in wetland habitats.
Fishing cats are known for their water-hunting skills, catching fish, frogs, and even crustaceans with their sharp claws and keen eyesight.
They are found in South and Southeast Asia’s wetlands and mangrove forests, where water is abundant and prey is plentiful.
Knob-Headed Giant Gecko
Media credit: animalmories_
The knob-headed giant gecko is native to Southeast Asia, including Singapore. Its distinctive feature is the knob-like projection on its head, which gives it a unique appearance among gecko species.
You can find these quirky creatures in the Night Safari’s Reptile Garden.
While their large size and unusual appearance may look intimidating, they are pretty harmless but aren’t exactly the friendly type either – they might jump on you with the intent of attacking when they feel threatened.
Tasmanian Devil
Media credit: wombat.russell
Originating from the island state of Tasmania, off the coast of Australia, Tasmanian devils are iconic marsupials known for their feisty personalities and distinctive facial markings.
Ever wondered why they are called Tasmanian devils?
It’s not because they’re devilish in nature but because of the spooky sounds they make at night. You’ll hear them producing eerie screeches and growls echoing through the darkness.
But beyond their nocturnal antics, they play a vital role in their ecosystem. As scavengers, they help keep their habitats clean by feasting on carrion.
Sunda Scops Owl
Media credit: most_sane_pangolin_enjoyer_420
At Night Safari, you’ll spot a pair of glowing eyes peering at you in the darkness. And it’s none other than the Sunda scops owl!
Originating from Southeast Asia, including countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, this majestic bird has spotted brown feathers and distinctive ear tufts.
Sunda scops owls may look cute because of their small size and fluffy appearance, but they are formidable hunters, preying on insects, small mammals, and even other birds larger than them.
That’s why you can only observe these fascinating birds from a safe distance without disturbing them in their habitat.
Sunda Pangolin
Media credit: most_sane_pangolin_enjoyer_420
The Sunda pangolin is a creature that looks like a walking pinecone. It sports a coat of tough, overlapping scales as its built-in armor.
With its long claws designed for digging, this pangolin spends its nights hunting for ants and termites. It uses its sticky tongue to slurp up its favorite snacks with precision.
Sunda pangolins are more on the shy side, preferring to keep their distance from other animals and humans in the wild.
Unfortunately, due to their status as one of the most trafficked mammals in the world, visitors are not allowed to pet or interact with them at the nocturnal zoo.
“Bearcat” is one of the many names for the charming binturong, a fascinating creature you can meet at the Night Safari. This furry guy looks like a mix between a bear and a cat!
But here’s the thing – despite its appearance, the binturong is neither a bear nor a cat; it’s actually a member of the viverrid family, which includes civets and genets.
Binturongs are gentle and often described as friendly and curious.
You can catch glimpses of these gentle mammals in the trees of the Leopard Trail exhibit.
Reeve’s Muntjac
Media credit: cherryxobloss
Reeve’s muntjacs are deers known for their petite size, with males typically weighing around 25 pounds and females even lighter.
They sport reddish-brown fur with long, slender legs that help them move with agility and grace.
Their other delicate features, including large, expressive eyes and dainty pointed ears, give them an air of elegance and innocence.
But don’t let their size and innocent-looking faces fool you! They are known for their sharp instincts and can be wary of humans.
In such situations, like feeling extremely threatened, they may use their small but sharp hooves and antlers as weapons.
So, it’s best to watch them at a safe distance for your safety and leave them at peace.
Earth Pig
Media credit: donaldpwee
The earth pig is one of the peculiar creatures in the Night Safari because, unlike the usual pig, this one has a long snout like a baby elephant.
Earth pigs are more into blending in with the scenery and munching on leaves than cozying up to visitors.
They’re pretty chill and not dangerous, but the night zoo still doesn’t allow visitors to get up close to them and pet them.
As for their diet, earth pigs are herbivores, which means they chow down on a steady diet of fruits, vegetables, and plants.
They’re not picky eaters, but they’ll happily munch on whatever tasty treats they can find at the rainforest buffet.
Sugar Glider
Media credit: zestypea
Sugar gliders are adorable creatures that look like tiny flying squirrels.
They are cute, furry little critters with big, round eyes and fluffy tails, gliding effortlessly through the air from tree to tree.
They have a special membrane called a patagium that stretches between their wrists and ankles, allowing them to glide gracefully through the air. It’s like their nature’s own built-in parachute!
Indian Gharial
Media credit: most_sane_pangolin_enjoyer_420
The Indian gharial is a type of crocodile with a long, slender snout filled with razor-sharp teeth.
Indian gharials might look intimidating and dangerous, but they are actually gentle reptiles.
They pose little threat to humans, preferring to spend their days basking in the sun or gliding effortlessly through the water in search of their favorite meal: fish.
Asian Elephant
Media credit: alexfun86
Asian elephants are the real heavyweight in the animal kingdom of Night Safari!
You’ll find them in their spacious enclosures, munching on leaves, splashing in the water, or just taking a stroll.
They’re generally gentle and peace-loving animals and are one of the most beloved residents in the zoo.
In fact, Night Safari allows visitors to pet them or participate in the feeding session under strict supervision.
Media credit: fcul78
Hyenas are often misunderstood animals, but they’re brilliant and highly social creatures.
And here’s a trivia: Did you know they live in matriarchal societies led by dominant females? They are fierce protectors of their clans and play a crucial role in hunting and raising their young.
While they have a reputation as scavengers of the wild, in the controlled environment of the Night Safari, they pose no threat to visitors.
Slow Loris
Media credit: fcul78
The slow loris is a small, furry primate with big, soulful eyes that seem to peer into your soul.
You can catch a glimpse of these fascinating creatures in the Fragile Forest section of Night Safari.
While the slow loris may seem adorable and harmless, this little critter has a secret weapon. With glands in its elbows that produce a toxic substance, it rubs this toxin on its fur as a defense against predators.
The toxins can cause a range of reactions and vary from mild irritation to more severe effects, depending on the species and sensitivity of the predator.
Marbled Fox
Media credit: gt. pics_
Originating from South America, particularly in countries like Argentina and Brazil, the marbled fox has found a new home at the Night Safari.
This beautiful creature is the real head-turner in the park because of its unique black and white fur pattern reminiscent of a zebra.
It’s known for its shy and elusive nature, preferring to avoid interactions with larger animals, including humans.
Sloth Bear
The sloth bear is a shaggy-coated animal, marked with distinct white patches on its chest and face.
This creature is like a pangolin that loves to dig up a storm in search of termites and ants.
You can catch a glimpse of these delightful bears in the Wallaby Trail exhibit.
Their sharp claws may look formidable but are not considered dangerous to humans. They’re more interested in snacking on insects than causing any trouble.
Malayan Tapir
Have you ever seen a creature resembling a cross between a pig and a zebra? Let me introduce you to the Malayan tapir!
Malayan tapirs are native to the dense rainforests of Southeast Asia, including countries like Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore. They are herbivores with a penchant for munching on leaves, fruits, and aquatic plants.
They have a barrel-shaped body covered in black fur with a white saddle-shaped patch on its back.
That distinctive black-and-white pattern helps them blend into the forest’s shadows, making them less visible to predators.
We hope we not only thrilled you to get to know each of these nocturnal animals but also inspired you to contribute to its conservation efforts.
The next time you visit the Night Safari, remember that you’re not just there to see exotic animals – you’re there to be inspired, educated, and empowered to help preserve endangered species.